Philipp Becher

Career / Philipp Becher



"To this day, I enjoy every day I spend working for Klingelnberg and I never stop learning."

What is your professional background?

I studied business administration and engineering at the University of Applied Science Würzburg-Schweinfurt, with a focus in mechanical engineering and technical sales and marketing. I received my degree in Industrial Engineering in 2013. Before and during my studies, I worked in industry at the production level and got to know our current customers from their perspective as well. At that stage of my life, I was already interested in being close to industry and the technologies used – and that’s why these topics continue to be relevant to me today. Because I was extremely interested in economics in addition to technology, it was only a question of time until I landed in product management.

What brought you to Klingelnberg?

Much earlier than expected, Klingelnberg enticed me to come to Hückeswagen in 2017 with an offer I couldn’t refuse. And the idyllic Bergisches Land region with its many big cities nearby also played a part. Since then, I have been a product manager for Tool Sales and have worked on expanding existing and new product lines. I enjoy being close to the customers and directly influencing the success of our products. All of this takes place in the context of high-tech machines, also from Klingelnberg, that enjoy an excellent reputation in the global market. To this day, I enjoy every day I spend working for Klingelnberg and I never stop learning. On a personal level, I feel right at home in this region, where I am able to spend quality time with my family, more so than anywhere else so far.

What exactly is your job and what does a typical day look like for you?

I am mainly responsible for expanding the business with existing products by promoting sales in all phases of marketing (acquisition, quotation preparation, order processing, after sales) through a mix of measures (creating promotional information/documents/videos, optimizing offers, visiting customers in-country and abroad, optimizing order processing, improving delivery performance, providing customer care, supporting the international offices). At the same time, I develop new business ideas and work in close coordination with management to tap into new markets and build new product lines.

What do you like best about your job?

The direct influence on the company’s success and the versatility (a broad mix of technology, sales, processing, procurement and an international flair).

What do you like best about the company?

The fascinating, outstanding technology of our machines and the close international relationships with our customers.

How do you balance out your professional life?

By exploring the Bergisches Land region and the nearby big cities with family and friends. I think this combination is unique in Germany and would be hard to beat anywhere else. I feel like most natives of the area don’t truly appreciate this or are not even aware of this unique situation.

What has been your best moment so far at Klingelnberg?

It was shortly after I first started at Klingelnberg, when I realized that I had made the right choice, that this company was really exciting and successful and that the Bergisches Land region and the nearby cities offered an endless variety of things to do.