Klingelnberg Hybrid Metrology
KLINGELNBERG Precision Measuring Centers
Making the most of new possibilities
Klingelnberg Hybrid Metrology is a clever combination of tactile and optical measuring technology. The extremely rapid changeover between the 3D NANOSCAN tactile probing system and the optical sensor makes this a hybrid system that combines the advantages of both measurement methods. The high-precision tactile measured value logging is ideally complemented by high-speed optical measured value logging with a high point density.
The current version of this option enables pitch, tooth thickness, and gear concentricity to be measured optically, thereby reducing the total measurement time by up to 40 % depending on the number of teeth. The measurement and evaluation are performed through a Klingelnberg cylindrical gear software add-on, making the process extremely easy. The optical sensor extends fully automatically and executes the required measurement task with an accuracy comparable to that of tactile measurement.
Because the optical measurement system used by Klingelnberg is highly accurate on nearly every metallic surface, approximately 90 % of cylindrical gears in a typical portfolio are suitable for optical measurement.