Environmental Policy

Company / Environmental Policy


Environmental Policy


The Environmental Protection became more and more important during the last years in our society and concerns also the companies. As a producing enterprise we consider it our special duty to contribute for sustained environment-friendly Economies.

For this reason we established an Environment Management System. We want to have ourselves concerned in applying the Environment Protection in our Company and to improve it continuously. Through the below listed Environmental Policy of our Company we intend to inform Customers, Suppliers, interested Public, Officials, Associations as well as our staff Members about our goals for the Environment Protection.



Peterstraße 45
42499 Hueckeswagen, Germany
Fon: +49 2192 81-0
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Reach Regulation

Environmental Policy

The European Chemical Agency ECHA has published on its Internet page a candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern, which satisfy the criteria of Article 57 of the above mentioned REACH regulation and which have been evaluated according to Article 59 of the regulation.
We wish to inform you that none of the products sold by us contain any of 

the Substances of Very High Concern referred to in Article 33(2) of the above mentioned regulation. An extended material safety data sheet (MSDS) containing the information required for the safe use of the product is included in the appendix of the machine documentation.

Energy, Environmental Protection and Work Safety Policy

Environmental Policy

The KLINGELNBERG Group is a world leader in the area of gearing and precision measurement technology.

Our primary focus is maintaining high quality standards for our products and services. With this in mind, we base our company’s long-term evolution on maintaining a high level of stakeholder satisfaction, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient manufacturing processes, and optimum work safety and health protection policies. Environmental protection, work safety and energy efficiency are key elements of our corporate goals. We exercise our responsibility toward our stakeholders, employees and the environment through process-oriented management systems.

We do so according to the following principles

Environmental Policy

  • Implementation of and compliance with legal regulations and observance of our customers’ requirements are the basis for our actions.
  • Each of our employees is aware of the important position he or she holds with respect to work safety, environmental protection and energy efficiency, as well as the assurance of internal and external customer satisfaction. Each one is responsible for the achievement of our goals; we promote this through the ongoing training and continuing education of our employees.
  • Even during the development stage of our products and services, we maintain the highest expectations for conservation of resources and efficient use of energy, as well as work safety and health protection. Our actions are supported by an extensive range of measures to ensure prevention and preparedness. These also include preventive measures for avoiding and limiting potential damage claims.
  • In achieving our goals in the areas of environmental protection, energy efficiency and work safety, we are in continuous, intensive dialog with employees, suppliers, customers, associations, and authorities. The requirements resulting from this serve as our motivation.
  • Through continuous internal and external assessment of our management systems and the development of appropriate measures, we attain a process of continuous improvement and advancement of our overall performance.

With this declaration, the Executive Board and all employees pledge to act according to the principles of this Energy, Environmental Protection and Work Safety Policy.




Environmental Policy

The KLINGELNBERG Group is a world leader in the area of gears and precision measurement technology.

Our quality policy is to ensure and continuously improve the highest quality of our products and processes.

We attach particular importance to the following principles:

  • Fault containment: We do everything we can to contain component and machine faults and take immediate corrective action, such as testing and reworking when necessary.
  • Focus on preventive quality measures: Our quality strategies focus on preventive measures to avoid faults in the first place. Our goal is to achieve a zero-fault rate in delivered goods and machines by taking systematic precautions
  • Increased efficiency through standardization: We accelerate all corrective and preventive actions through standardization, automation and the consistent use of lessons learned and AI.

We do so according to the following principles

Environmental Policy

  • Implementation of and compliance with legal regulations and observance of our customers’ requirements are the basis for our actions.
  • Each of our employees is aware of the important position he or she holds with respect to quality, as well as the assurance of internal and external customer satisfaction.
  • Even during the development stage of our products and services, we maintain the highest expectations for quality.
  • Through continuous internal and external assessment of our management systems and the development of appropriate measures, we attain a process of continuous improvement and advancement of our overall performance.

By implementing these principles, we strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and ensure the continued high quality of our products and services.

With this declaration, the Executive Board and all employees pledge to act according to the principles of this Quality Policy.

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