
News / News/ Press / Off to a great start: new trainee cohort gets underway at KLINGELNBERG

Off to a great start: new trainee cohort gets underway at KLINGELNBERG

In early August, 17 young people from the Bergisches Land region of Germany experienced a somewhat unusual start to their professional careers at Klingelnberg. Vocational training, after all, is about more than just technical skills. Demonstrating sportsmanship and team spirit at a climbing park and playing laser tag were just as much a part of the trainees’ initiation as were getting to know the company and expanding their technical skills.

Of course, Klingelnberg’s aim in training and mentoring young professionals from the region is to recruit new employees. But an equally important goal for the company is to provide opportunities. Opportunities that 17 young people from the region seized this training year. From August 1 through 9, the young professionals learned about the different departments within the company and got to know their future supervisors during an introductory event lasting one and a half weeks. The program included a range of introductory topics, such as product training, company tours and other informational events. The technical program was rounded off by a first-aid course, since personal development is a high priority at Klingelnberg alongside technical qualifications. At the end of the program, the new trainees – eight industrial/technical trainees, six future business graduates and three dual-track students – incorporated their impressions into a company presentation, which they then delivered to their future co-workers and supervisors.

Again this year, the organization of the event was entrusted in part to trainees in their third year of training at Klingelnberg – co-workers whose experience puts them squarely in touch with this exciting yet challenging stage of life. This choice on the part of Klingelnberg was aimed at ensuring that the event truly addressed the specific needs of the young target group. To strengthen team spirit and sportsmanship skills, various activities were planned: the career starters joined together in teams to vie for victory playing laser tag in Wipperfürth. At the GHW Klettergarten climbing park in Hückeswagen, they demonstrated their perseverance, successfully working their way through the specified course. All of the trainees at Klingelnberg GmbH then finished the introduction phase together with an afternoon barbecue.

Again next year, candidates will have the opportunity to lay the foundation for a successful professional career with an apprenticeship. Klingelnberg will have approximately 15 trainee positions to fill in the industrial/technical and commercial areas in 2019. The company will also offer a number of dual track study positions, with a technical focus ranging from mechanics, electronics and software to information technology. For more information, visit Potential candidates can also contact Ralf Biesenbach, Markus Fiedler, Lina Kroisl, or Lisa Offermann directly by calling +49 2192 81 0.

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